Saturday, November 8, 2008

Daddy's Girls

Hannah and Bethany,

I had always heard the term 'Daddy's girls' before having children, but it took on a whole other meaning for me once your Mommy and I had you two. You are truly 'Daddy Girls' to me and I love you so much. I think you two are the most beautiful, funny, adorable, and cool daughters a Daddy could ever have!

This picture makes you two look so grown up. That makes me happy to see how wonderfully you are turning out, but also sad since my two little girls are growing up and will one day no longer be little. I cherish the days I have with you two, with all your funny, adorable ways.



Kuliouou Hike

We went hiking today up Kuliouou Ridge. Joshua, Hannah, and Bethany-you guys did great on the hike and I appreciated your willingness to journey beyond where we went before. My heart was warmed by the fun you had and the gratitude you had for us being able to go. You guys declared it was better than computer games or playstation. Bethany, you even said it was better than candy!

Hopefully we can one day make it all the way to the top!

Love you.


The love of siblings

There are so many pictures of you all together. Hugging, playing, mugging for the camera. The pictures are more than just images but a depiction of the love that you all have for each other. It warms my heart to see the love and friendship that you all have for each other. You truly love each other and it shows. (You also fight a lot-but that is to be expected!)

It matters a lot to me because I don't have the greatest memories of my own relationships with my siblings growing up. After the death of our mother, things got very ugly very quickly and the most powerful memories I have of my siblings are largely negative, birthed of sibling rivalry, hatred, and violence. Home was not a place of love and safety for me, but a place to avoid if possible, to survive as best as one could. So many bad memories.

But God willing, your memories will be filled with love and laughter, of friendship and play. I am amazed at the closeness of relationship that exists between you all. Joshua, as the oldest, you are 8 years older than Justus, 10 older than Joel. But the age gap does not diminish the closeness you have for all your siblings. Justus will always look up to you as his big brother, as one who took time for him and taught him many things. As one who took time to read to him and put him to sleep.

That is true with Hannah and Bethany as well. You both are such big parts of the lives of your brothers. Mommy recently asked Justus who made him happy. His answer? HANNAH! Of course, he loves Bethany a lot as well. Bethany, I love to watch you express your affection for your younger brother. It is so special.

When you are older, you will find that the friendships of your siblings will still be so important to you. The love you sow in relationship will grow a beautiful garden, bearing the most excellent fruit of love, friendship, and partnership in your life's journeys.

I love you all so very much!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Entry

Hi Kids,

This is a new experience for me to blog. I wanted to start a blog for you all so that I could communicate a little of who I am to you in a way that you could access at both the present and future.

Every person has a story, a story filled with God encounters, learning experiences, and just plain life moments. I wanted to give to you a record of my past, my present, and thoughts about the future.

I will try to blog on a regular basis. Some of what I write will be addressed directly to you, like a letter. Other parts will just be my own reflections on life that I hope will prove beneficial to you along your own journeys.

I love you all and am so privilaged to be your father.

